Leading ventilation expert Vent-Axia has launched guidance on how ventilation can help in the fight against COVID-19. The British manufacturer has been involved in the national response against COVID-19 since March 2020 supplying critical ventilation to a number of COVID-19 wards and field hospitals, including the Nightingale and Rainbow hospitals. As part of its ‘COVID-19 Support Campaign’ Vent-Axia has also been sharing the latest guidance and valuable expert advice on the positive effect of ventilation in helping tackle Coronavirus, on improving indoor air quality and creating a healthy environment while working from home. This body of essential information has now been consolidated in a useful guide called ‘The Effect of Ventilation on COVID-19’ and a companion webpage https://www.vent-axia.com/dilutethevirus, which gives practical advice on how indoor ventilation is important to reduce virus transmission.

Bringing together all the helpful information that Vent-Axia has been communicating since the start of lockdown, the useful guide and webpage provides the industry with critical information on how ventilation can help during the pandemic and beyond – all in one place.

Ventilation is proven to be a key weapon in reducing transmission of COVID-19 indoors as it’s riskier to be inside than outside because of a lack of airflow. Effective ventilation and increased airflow are therefore vital in diluting the virus indoors.

The guidance is set to be useful since the importance of ventilation to help reduce COVID-19 transmission has been confirmed by both the Government and a raft of research. The Government has just launched a new public information campaign which highlights how ventilating indoor spaces can reduce the risk of coronavirus infection by over 70%1. As part of the campaign a new short film released by the Government shows how coronavirus lingers in enclosed spaces, and how to keep your home ventilated. The campaign follows The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently acknowledging that ‘Ventilation represents a very important factor to prevent the virus from spreading indoors,”2 having updated its guidance to recognising the possibility of airborne transmission on 9th July.3 Public Health England’s guidance ‘COVID-19: epidemiology, virology and clinical features4 also recently acknowledged that airborne transmission can occur in ‘poorly ventilated’ spaces.

“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Vent-Axia has shared the latest guidance, advice and research from the government, scientists and governing bodies. As this body of evidence has built, along with our knowledge of how best to combat COVID-19 transmission, we decided it was time to collate all the information and the solutions together” said Jenny Smith, Head of Marketing at Vent-Axia. “Our new webpage and brochure provide the industry with an easy-to-use guide on ventilation, explaining why ventilation is more important than ever, and recommending the best solutions for each type of project.”

The Vent-Axia webpage collates valuable information on the importance of effective ventilation in reducing COVID-19 transmission rates indoors and details the independent guidance supporting this, with links to a number of governing bodies and the UK Government. On the website there is the option to download the free guide. There is also information on a range of ventilation solutions, answers to FAQs, as well as links to useful videos on the vital role ventilation plays in mitigating the threat of the virus when indoors, and how to reduce the coronavirus risk during domestic work.

Meanwhile, the ‘The Effect of Ventilation on COVID-19’ guide goes into further detail of how ventilation can help combat COVID-19 and how to improve ventilation rates. This includes helpful diagrams that demonstrate the beneficial effects of ventilation when a high concentration of infectious airborne material is present. A ventilation checklist shows all the steps needed to address ventilation requirements indoors, while a range of questions on ventilation systems are answered. Finally, the guide explains about the type of ventilation solutions on offer: bathroom and kitchen fans; single room heat recovery; whole house ventilation; and positive input ventilation.

If you are installing or servicing ventilation, we can help you understand the key principles to be COVID-Aware. Email info@vent-axia.com or call our team on 0344 856 0590 for help and advice. For further information on all products and services visit www.vent-axia.com.