The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) has announced its support for the Olympic Delivery Authority’s (ODA) Learning Legacy, a collaborative programme between the ODA, contractors, professional bodies, the government and academia, which aims to gather knowledge and share the lessons learned from the London 2012 construction project in order to raise the bar across the UK’s construction sector.

Regular updates

A dedicated space on ICE’s website will be regularly updated with UK-wide events, publications and resources aimed at ICE members, the next generation of civil engineers and the public. Amongst these, an online OS map of the Olympic Park will explain how engineers overcame the challenges of managing waste, transport, energy and water on the site.

Two free London 2012 Special issues of ICE’s Proceedings journal, Civil Engin­eering, have also been published. Written by ODA directors and contractors, the two editions explore a range of topics including geotechnics, energy provision, structural engin­eering, master planning, and transport.

Knowledge exchange

Tom Foulkes, ICE Director General, said: “I am delighted to announce our involvement in the ODA’s Learning Legacy initiative, a programme which goes to the very heart of what the ICE was set up to encourage – the exchange of specialist knowledge and development of innovation and excellence in the wider profession. The London 2012 construction project has delivered a strong and positive influence on the industry and the ICE is committed to playing our part in ensuring these lessons are passed on as widely as possible.”

John Armitt, Chairman of the ODA said: “The Learning Legacy framework is the embodiment of a new benchmark that has been created in delivering Europe’s largest construction project to the ultimate deadline and within budget. The scale and speed of the coordinated UK effort to build the venues and infrastructure is unprecedented and the knowledge and lessons gained during construction will both benefit the industry and act as a catalyst for inward investment.”