With competition for water supply fully established in Scotland, reform in England is at last gathering momentum. The usage threshold for having the right to switch supplier has already been reduced tenfold from 50,000 to 5,000m3 per annum. This means some 26,000 sites already have some freedom of choice today; and the government has committed to extend this right to all non-household customers over the next few years. energyTEAM is therefore urging all businesses to be prepared for deregulation and to ensure their current requirements are specified and costs are optimised, so they are in the position to take advantage of market reform.

Whenever the ability to choose comes to your business, and whether or not you feel you have scope to reduce your water and wastewater charges, it makes sense to know for sure where you are now, says the firm. An independent audit could offer immediate and on-going savings, as well as enabling you to secure best value as and when you are in a position to see what a deregulated market has to offer.

Auditing can highlight unexpectedly high usage, often the sign of l leaks hidden in your water supply pipework – the repair of which usually offers quick financial and CSR payback. Even where you have no choice of supplier, an independent audit can often reveal higher than necessary wastewater charges that should be reduced.

Mike Lee, Water Services Manager at energyTEAM says: “The old adage that if you cannot measure it you cannot manage it applies to water as much as to any other business resource. The best advice is to get an understanding of your usage and charges now, optimise them for possible immediate savings and be in a position to obtain the best terms as deregulation evolves.”